- Aaron
- Abel
- Absolute Strike
- Absolute Wave
- Absolute Zero
- Abyss
- Accursed Flame Gem
- Accused One
- Achromatic Law
- Adonis
- Aegis
- Aelia
- Aemo
- Aerial Burst
- Aesir
- Ai
- Ai Kakuma
- Ai Orikasa
- Ailyth
- Ailyth (Boss)
- Aimi Tanaka
- Aiming Wisp
- Air Pressure
- Air Slash
- Akhetamen
- Akiko Yajima
- Akimitsu Takase
- Akio Otsuka
- Alarm Blessing
- Alfheim
- Alice
- Alicia
- Alicia's and Valkyrie's Unique Attacks
- Alm
- Alphio
- Altveer
- Ambrosia
- Amelia
- Ancel
- Ancient Forest
- Ancient Golem
- Anelian
- Anemone
- Angel Slayer
- Animate Earth
- Arcana
- Archer
- Archer Attacks
- Arectaris
- Argent Knight
- Aria
- Arianrod Labyrinth
- Arianrod Labyrinth/Puzzle
- Arkdain Ruins
- Arkdain Ruins/Puzzle
- Arm Breaker
- Armand
- Armor Break
- Arngrim
- Arngrim's Unique Attacks
- Arthur Lansbury
- Arthur Russell
- Artifact
- Artolia
- Artolian Mountain Ruins
- Asaka
- Ascalon
- Ascending Sword
- Asgard
- Assault Step
- Astral Maze
- Atrasia
- Atsuko Tanaka
- Atsumi Tanezaki
- Atsushi Naito
- Audoula Temple on the Lake
- Auguste
- Ayako Kawasumi
- Ayane Sakura
- Badrach
- Bahamut Tear
- Ballistic Rhino
- Banshee
- Barbarossa
- Barren
- Barrier Blessing
- Bastard Sword
- Beast Tackle
- Bedelia
- Belenus
- Berserker Bow
- Bifrost
- Binding Distortion
- Black Anchor Wrath
- Black Dream Tower
- Blast Kick
- Blinding Blaze
- Blood Chisel
- Blood Rain
- Bloodbane
- Bloody Cascade
- Bloody Curse
- Bloody Knuckle
- Bolt Slash
- Book of Riddles
- Bow
- Brahms
- Brahms' Unique Attacks
- Brahms Castle
- Brimstone Law
- Broad Sword
- Burst Light Blessing
- Burst Shot
- Calamity Blast
- Camille village girl
- Caradoc
- Carnage Anthem
- Carnage Beast
- Carrie Savage
- Cave of Oblivion
- Cave of Thackus
- Celes
- Celestial Castle
- Celestial Star
- Celia
- Chaos Law
- Chaotic Rune
- Chasm Wrath
- Chateau Obsession
- Cheripha
- Chie Nakamura
- Chris Kent
- Chrystie
- Circe
- Citadel of Flame
- Claiomh Solais
- Claire
- Classes redirection
- Claymore
- Clockwork Mansion
- Cloe
- Confuse Pin Blessing
- Coriander
- Cosmic Spear
- Cotton Dust Wrath
- Crawsus Forest Ruins
- Crell Monferaigne
- Crescent
- Crest Estoc
- Critical Flare
- Cross Slash
- Crystal Strike
- Current events
- Cutting Edge
- Cypher
- Dai Matsumoto
- Dainslef
- Dais
- Daisuke Sakaguchi
- Daline
- Dallas
- Dameon Clarke
- Dampen Magic
- Dancing Light Blessing
- Darius
- Dark Lord
- Dark Night Law
- Dark Savior
- Dark Tower of Xervah
- Dark Valkyrie
- Darkness Blessing
- Darrel Guilbeau
- Dead End
- Deadly Raid
- Deep Impact
- Demon
- Demon "Vallan"
- Demon "Wiead"
- Demon Sword "Levantine"
- Demon Sword "Nefarious"
- Demon Sword 'Nefarious'
- Descending Sword
- Desperate Soldier Law
- Destiny Plume
- Dipan
- Dirna Hamilton
- Disassemble
- Diseased Needle
- Dismember Legion
- Divinity Void
- Dolce
- Double Swing
- Double Wind
- Downward Split
- Dragon-Tooth Warrior
- Dragon Bolt
- Dragon Orb
- Dragon Servant
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Tyrant
- Dragon Zombie
- Dragonbane
- Dragoncastle Caverns
- Dragonian
- Dragonscrypt
- Dreaded Dragon
- Dreaded Radius
- Dual Tusks
- Duwain
- Dylan
- Dylan's Unique Attacks
- Dyn
- Earnest
- Earth Blessing
- Earth Break
- Earth Grave
- Ed Paul
- Ehlen
- Ehrde
- Einherjar
- Eir
- Elder Vampire
- Elemental Edge
- Elf
- Elle
- Elsie
- Elusive Air Law
- Endangerment
- Energy Cannon
- Energy Steal
- Entrapment
- Equipment - Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume
- Eri Kitamura
- Eric Stuart
- Erika Lenhart
- Eternal Lamp
- Eternal Raid
- Ether Strike
- Ethereal Queen
- Ethereal Queen (Boss)
- Evolver
- Experience Friend Law
- Experience Pig Law
- Explosion
- Extreme Void
- Eye
- Eygon
- Fafnir
- Fahn
- Falchion
- Falx
- Farant
- Fatal Glimmer
- Fauxnel
- Fenrir
- Festive Light Blessing
- Fetters Wrath
- Fifth Way
- Figment
- Final Blast
- Fire Blessing
- Fire Elemental (boss)
- Fire Lance
- Fire Stone
- Fire Storm
- First Shot
- First Slash
- Flamberge
- Flame Jewel
- Flame Shot
- Flare Baselard
- Flare Blast
- Flare Shot
- Flashing Blade
- Fog Wrath
- Forbid Sound
- Forest of Spirits
- Forest of Woe
- Four Treasures
- Fraudir
- Freezing Lance
- Frei
- Freya
- Freya's Unique Attacks
- Freya (boss)
- Freya (character)
- Freya (character)/Gallery
- Frigga
- Frigid Damsel
- Frostbane
- Frosty
- Full Swing
- Fumiyoshi Shioya
- Furious Advance
- Fuyuki
- Gabriel Celeste
- Gale Winds
- Gandar
- Garm
- Geena
- Gem Blessing
- Genevieve
- Gerabellum
- Gerald
- Ghast
- Ghoul
- Ghoul Powder
- Giant Lord
- Gilbert
- Gina Grad
- Gjallarhorn
- Glacial Blizzard
- Glance Reviver
- Gleam Charge
- Gloria
- Gold Blessing
- Gold Grubber Law
- Golem
- Gorhla Cult Headquarters
- Gram
- Grand Sting
- Gravity Blessing
- Great Shield Law
- Grey
- Ground Edge
- Guard Reinforce
- Guilm
- Guilty Break
- Gungnir
- Gwendal
- Gyne
- Hack-Blade
- Hai-Lan
- Hakurei
- Hall of Valhalla
- Hamster
- Hamster (Boss)
- Hana Takeda
- Harpy
- Haruo Satou
- Heal
- Heavy Warrior
- Heavy Warrior Attacks
- Heavyweight
- Heimdall