Valkyrie Profile Wiki

Holy Water of Mithra
Use Does 100,000 damage to undead enemies
Converted MP 5,000
Transmuted from Tear of the Cosmos (with Creation Jewel)
"Holy water which causes 100,000 points of damage to the undead."

The Holy Water of Mithra is an artifact in Valkyrie Profile. When used, it will deal a whopping 100,000 damage to all undead enemies; this is enough to instantly kill the Wraith and severely damages Akhetamen and Genevieve. In the case of Akhetamen and Genevieve, however, since they can cast Heal, it is advised to damage them to below at least 100,000 HP before using it.

Only two Holy Waters of Mithra can be obtained in the game, and both of them requires the player to play in the Hard mode. Therefore, it should be saved for use against the bosses listed above instead of being wasted on regular enemies.

Holy Water of Mithra is a rare item which deals 10,000 damage to one enemy when used.

It can be obtained by freeing the einherjar Mithra and speaking to him again in the last screen of Lost Forest.
