Thunder Sword
- Japanese: サンダーソード/Thunder Sword
- Description: A large, concentrated beam of energy hits the foe.
- Hits: 5
- Attack Gauge Boost: 10 x 5hit
- Direction: Left
Dragon Orb (Great Magic)
The Dragon Orb's power is also featured as a Great Magic in Valkyrie Profile, unique to Loki (and his Seraphic Gate counterpart Loki Shade). He will alternate between casting it or Carnage Anthem every four turns, and will always cast it when his HP falls below 25%.
◎ Transmutate
- currently in progress
Transmutate is an item-conversion system available in Valkyrie Profile. It requires 5 MPs. Some transmuted items are irreversible, but some can be re-transmuted back to its original. Several items can also be, or can only be, transmuted differently. Normal Transmutations are the basic transmutation method available in the game. Once the player acquires the Creation Gem Possession Item, the player can do Gem Transmutations, which can Transmutate an Orihalcon to a Creation Jewel which is necessary to do a Jewel Transmutation. You can only equip either Creation Gem or Creation Jewel at a time, equipping both at the same time only activates the Jewel Transmutation and doesn't do anything else.
Valkryie Profile Nominated in Wikia's Ultimate JRPG Battle
Hello there, JRPG Fans!
Wikia is hosting an exciting tournament featuring Japanese role-playing games. The best titles of the genre are squaring off across 15 categories to separate the best from the best! Categories include Best Story, Best Cast of Characters, Best Soundtrack, and a whole lot more. Users can vote in these polls to determine the winners. This exciting battle is being brought to you by Mistwalker Corporation's new mobile strategy JRPG, Terra Battle
We are stopping by to spread the word! Valkyrie Profile has been nominated for Best Story.
Which couples do you love most???
I love Alicia & Rufus , they are so cute!!!
I wish Lezard and Lenneth can be together even though he is evil.
Which couples do you love most?
I love Alicia & Rufus , they are so cute!!!
I wish Lezard and Lenneth can be together even though he is evil.